How can men make their wives happier when planning a home renovation or interior design makeover for their place in Singapore?
Nothing has the power to either renew a relationship and keep the magic in it, or turn a home into a source of contention, like a home renovation or interior design project.
So what matters most? How can the entire renovation process either make or break your relationship? What smart moves can men make to win big points during a renovation project? How can the ladies better help their men get it right?
1. Split the Rooms & Save Stress
Nothing kills passion like battling over the finer interior design finishes and colors. Almost without fail, a couple will have very different design tastes and choices. So make the process fun and enjoyable, and save the stress by dividing up responsibility for the rooms. Most importantly; let her take control of all the choices for the kitchen and master suite.
2. Budget for Accessories
Whether it is her personal wearable wardrobe, or her living space, let’s be honest; it’s all about the accessories. The guys might be happy with functional, common sense spaces that just work. For the women it is very much a case of beauty first. Husbands can win huge here by setting aside a budget for accessories. This can range from allowances for a designer label lighting feature, down to towel racks, hardware for cabinetry, fans, and the small accessories which just bring the entire renovation together into an inviting living space.
3. Storage, Storage, Storage
Nothing drives a woman crazy like clutter. Nothing will do more to ensure more romantic evenings, rather than frustrated cleaning fests, than ensuring there is enough storage space to keep things tidy and serene.
4. Reserve a Zen Space Just for Her
Sometimes wives will have to take the initiative here and suggest their men create their own corners or man caves first, in order to get this on the radar. Those husband’s that are proactive on this and set aside a quiet, private space for their princesses will find it makes their lives better every day. Let them know you are thinking of them, and the renovation is all about them, by designing personal escapes, Zen balconies, decadent powder rooms, or even just quiet nooks by the man’s study. If she is able to find those few moments to relax and rejuvenate, it will make a massive difference in daily harmony.
5. Easy to Clean
When planning choices of wall coverings, flooring, and cook tops for your Singapore property renovation, keep ease of cleaning in mind. If you have a maid or cleaning service it will help you get the most out of her time.
6. Intelligent Timelines
Whether planning a simple kitchen renovation or complete, whole home interior design makeover, the thought put into scheduling is of paramount importance for peace during and after. Getting stalled half way through a kitchen renovation during holidays when you are meant to be entertaining will bring out the wrath of even the softest spoken wife faster than you can imagine. For entire unit or home renovations plan to keep at least one space together, quiet and organized at all times so there is somewhere to retreat from the chaos. Or plan to take wives off on a romantic getaway during the process.
If just moving in to a new apartment in Singapore it is wise to ensure at least one space is 100% completed beforehand, to enjoy a smooth transition. However, it may be alright to reserve some budget for sending your wife on weekly shopping trips to put the finishing touches in place.
7. Don’t Forget the Shoe Space!
Men that neglect the shoe space will regret it. Powder tables, mirrors, and walk in wardrobes are all intelligent moves. Yet, none are a worthy replacement for dedicated shoe space. This needs to be a well laid out display feature, which provides easy viewing and decision making, provides appropriate shoe care, and of course good lighting and jewelry collections close by for accessorizing. The rewards for the man in exchange for creating this treasured space are sure to go well beyond just enabling her to get ready faster.
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