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Have you ever stepped into a room and you never want to leave because everything seems well put together and simply fabulous? And then there are others that feel so off, either the design feels all over the place or too scanty to make sense? What separates these two décor is the principle they follow or the lack of it.

When decorating a room, you just don’t think about just aesthetics, you also consider how every element work together to create a cohesive and unified décor. If you are looking to create a home that is both fabulous and unique then you have to obey the 5 basic principles of interior design. The 5 basic principles of interior design include emphasis, balance, rhythm, scales and proportion and harmony.

Here is how to decorate your home like a pro with the 5 basic interior design principles.

Create Emphasis

Emphasis simply means a focal point. Every fabulous home should have something that stands out. Every part of the room should not command equal attention, or else the room feels flat, boring or even scattered. The best way to avoid your room from being too boring is to include a focal point. A focal point serves as a visual bait, drawing attention to a certain area of the room.

Anyone stepping into this room would be drawn to the shelving walls with lush plants.

Maintain A Rhythm

Just as in music, where there is a pattern of sound, silence and intensity to create a beautiful rhythm, the interior décor also needs rhythm. The rhythm in interior décor is not of musical note but of repetition of patterns and contrast to create visual interest. In this principle, you duplicate elements like colours or shapes in a space at a defined interval. Rhythm in a home décor helps to move your eye around in a room.

Utilize Scale And Proportion

Although most people interchange the two terms, they are distinct from each other. Proportion simply refers to the size of one part to another on the same object, while scale refers to how the size of one object relates to another object placed in the same space as well as the size of the space itself. These two elements have been used to create different perspectives in a décor. Lack of knowledge about the use of scale and proportion would cause one to cramp a large sofa in a small space, making the sofa appear too big for the living room. No matter the décor one critical rule when using scale and proportion is to remember to leave “white space” in the room. Don’t decorate every nook and cranny of the home, leave some areas blank.

Embrace Balance

in every décor there is a need for balance. Balance simply means a feeling of equilibrium in your décor. It starts by equating the visual weight of the room through the colours, shapes, patterns and textures. There are different types of balance, there is the symmetrical balance where space is divided into two sides that are mirror images of each with décor accented repeated on each side. There is also the asymmetrical balance where elements are balanced without being mirror images of each other. Finally, there is the radical balance where there is a single focal point and other elements are decorated around it. Chose a style that appeals to you and starts decorating.

Employ Harmony

In this principle, you take a step back and see if all the elements in the décor come together to create a sense of unity. When your décor is in harmony everything looks like they fit together and feels restful. To incorporate harmony, you simply showcase similarity. You can utilize the same colours, same textures, patterns etc. but be careful not to overdo it as it can begin to seem monotonous and boring. Balance is key.


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